Meet the Babes


imageI’m Katie, a 21-year-old, Texas State senior just itching to explore the world beyond the boundaries of Texas.   When you ask me where I’m originally from I’ll proudly tell you Los Angeles, California, pretending that I lived there even a second beyond my years as a toddler.  Follow me on my journey as I venture into the world of expensive international phone plans that don’t support my addiction to technology or my ability to use a GB of data in one day.


imageHola! I’m Sophia, a 20-year-old student in San Marcos, Texas, who is dreaming of the adventures I’ll embark on in Europe this summer. I’m trading in my Norts and oversized sorority shirts to blend in with the chic Spaniards, and I’m trading in my hurried American ways for siestas and tapas. I can’t wait to meet the other students whom I’ll be partying–er, studying abroad with. Cheers!


imageHello, friends! I’m Natasha – a self-proclaimed diva and lover of big words, loud laughs, and picturesque locales. I’m looking forward to all of the sangria and Spanish sunshine that this summer will bring. I apologize in advance for my penchant verbosity, but I aim to chronicle our European adventures so that you all may vicariously partake in our gud timez. Salud!

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